Friday, November 11, 2005





老同学相遇,经常被问的一句就是”有gf了没?“ 答:否。被问得烦了,就先把问题抛给别人,不料碰到过一位本科同学一番高论,他说“男人30岁以前有gf算是失败。一个人在30岁以前不好好独自享受人生,等结婚了以后就一辈子也别指望了。”这话说得也够沧桑了,但实在也想不出比这更好的安慰理由。



A man is a person who, if a woman says, "Never mind, I'll do it myself," lets her.

A woman is a person who, if she says to a man, "Never mind, I'll do it myself," and he lets her, gets mad.

A man is a person who, if a woman says to him, "Never mind, I'll do it myself," and he lets her and she gets mad, says, "Now what are you mad about?"

A woman is a person who, if she says to a man, "Never mind, I'll do it myself," and he lets her, and she gets mad, and he says, "Now what are you mad about?" says, "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you."

A man is a person who, if a woman says to him, "Never mind, I'll do it myself," and he lets her and she gets mad, and he says, "Now what are you mad about?", and she says, "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you", whines "How can I know what the problem is if you don't tell me?"

A woman is a person who, if she says to a man, "Never mind, I'll do it myself," and he lets her, and she gets mad, and he says, "Now what are you mad about?" and she says, "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you", and he whines "How can I know what the problem is if you don't tell me?", says "OK, let's talk about it".
A man is a person who, if a woman says to him, "Never mind, I'll do it myself," and he lets her and she gets mad, and he says, "Now what are you mad about?", and she says, "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you", and he whines "How can I know what the problem is if you don't tell me?" and she says "OK, let's talk about it", turns on the television and watches cartoons.


# 回复: 献给光光节 删除

大光节,想忘记都困难的.把情人坡的节日列表更新了.每年的这一天都会显示"光光节",原先的"国际科学与和平周"d了.正在考虑要不要变成超级光光.现 在88的上站次数是1110.然后现在早就不要上站时间了.考虑要不要最后一次正常离线,然后变成超级光光.哈哈
2005-11-11 11:11 | paperkite

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2005-11-11 11:53 | CD

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2005-11-11 13:19 | JLU

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2005-11-11 17:22 | cbg

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2005-11-12 12:25 | 李浔阳

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2005-11-12 18:47 | cbg

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2005-11-14 8:56 | n

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2005-11-23 21:12 | 寄居小蟹·cindy

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2005-11-24 12:32 | cbg

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2005-11-24 13:19 | paperkite

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2005-11-25 16:34 | cbg

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2005-11-27 9:20 | paperkite

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